I've already covered the "to light or not to light" on Christmas decorations. My next peeve is the speed with which some people take down their decorations. As a Christian, I follow the Christmas season from December 25th through Epiphany, the feast of the 3 Kings. That means my decorations stay up until January 8th or beyond, depending on when the feast of Epiphany falls. Now I realize everyone does not follow that same principle, so I do not expect all people to keep their decorations up that long. When, however, I see a Christmas tree thrown out in a front yard at 9am on December 26th, I have fodder for my pet peeve post! I mean, come on. December 26th is Zweiten Weihnachten (2nd Christmas) in Germany, and Boxing Day in the UK and Canada. The lights are still warm on my tree from having them on non-stop for days leading up to Christmas! We haven't finished opening presents with our adult children and their families because of all the extended in-law families and the celebrations that go with them! There are still Christmas cookies on platters in my kitchen. I haven't even sent out my Christmas cards yet! You may have figured out by now that this is the same neighbor who puts up lights and then only lights them for 2 days. So, I think I may send them a suggestion or two for next year. Recycle the tree into furniture for your home or cut out some beautifully decorated pictures of homes from magazines and tape them in strategic places around your home and call it a day!
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